Where i came from

Keera Bell-Booth

My Mum Theresa was born in England in 1970. She moved with my Nan and Grandad when she was 2 years old to New Zealand from England via plane. She grew up in a loving household with one brother and two parents, she lived in Mount Albert for a few years and later moved to avondale. She went to a catholic primary school and a catholic high school not far from where she lived. Unfortunetly her dad passed of a heart attack when she was 12 years old. Something you would be suprised about my mum and she was a heavy reader even though many people thought she was more of a math and science brain she spent most of her time reading and writing those were her main hobbies. The only way she revieved news was on a small tv, radio or newspaper, she thinks the world is so much different in terms of technology and the way things are built and made.

My Nana was born in Limerick Ireland in 1947. she grew up in a small village with 15 siblings, mum, dad, and her family scattered across the village. She had a busy life and enjoyed playing in the fileds across from his house, milking the cows, and reading. The only way she recieved news was by letter and newpaper there were no tvs. She went to a catholic primary school and high school and moved to London to work when she was 16. She had a few jobs, getting experience and met my mums dad at 20, got married at 22 and had my mum at 23, they moved when my mum was 2 years old to New Zealand where my Grandad was born and lived in multiple places in auckland before settling into a house in Avondale, my Grandad later died in that house. She thinks everything is different compared to the way she lived, houses are bigger and there's technology.

My Dad Hayden was born in Auckland in 1975. He moved around the country a few times to wellington and hawkes bay, he spent most of his childhood in hawkes bay going to taradale high school and making lot's of friends. He enjoyed playing rugby for his school and his local rugby club, he enjoyed building and making things in his spare time. Something you would be surpised about my dad is he's a really good baker and loves baking he learnt how to bake from my granny who is a great baker. He recieved news via newspaper, tv, radio and on the family computer. He thinks the way people act nowdays is so much different compared to when he was my age, everyone was socialising and there weren't any devices to get attached to.